CEIAG Vision and Rationale
The Vision behind CEIAG at Prince William School
The vision for Prince William School is to raise the aspirations of our students by nurturing a passion for learning, enriching their learning experiences, providing the knowledge and skills they need to be successful in adult life, and enabling them to secure outcomes which exceed their expectations.
We want to create confident, resilient and well-rounded adults who have an aspiration for self-improvement and are able to compete equally with their peers in a world beyond school life. We aim to provide an education which prepares students for the adult world of work as well as the information, advice and guidance they need so that they can plan for life beyond school and which will allow them to follow their career aspirations successfully. We recognise that they will need to be able to continue to learn new skills and acquire new knowledge throughout their working lives and the education, information, advice and guidance we provide will be a springboard for this.
CEIAG is provided to all students through their Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education lessons. In Years 7-11 these lessons are taught once per fortnight. CEIAG is one strand in this broad area of Relationships, Health and Well-being, and Living in the Wider World. Alonside this, CEIAG forms part of the assembly programme as well as being complimented by talks aimed at specific students.
Our school’s tagline (‘Learning for Life’) and core values (that all students should be ‘Respectful, Ambitious, and Resilient’) support the importance high quality CEAIG. We aim to provide an effective careers programme which offers all students advice, experience and contact with employers which will help to raise their aspirations, support them in making informed decisions about career pathways, and understand what they need to do to be successful.
The rationale behind CEIAG
The fast-changing world of work
The UK Commission for Employment and Skills produced a “Working Futures” report which predicts that the majority of the future net increases of jobs up to 2024 within the SEMLEP area (South East Midlands Local Enterprise Partnership) will require attainment/training/skills acquisition at Levels 2,3 and 6. Over 65% of jobs will require a Level 4 qualification or over.
Within the SEMLEP area their model projects that there will be substantial jobs expansion demand over the period to 2024 particularly in the higher qualified jobs such as managers, business, science, and engineering, as well as in the caring professions.
Our CEIAG provision needs to inspire and prepare our students for the fast-changing world of work. They need education, information, advice and guidance that is current and relevant, as well as an awareness of the need to move and adapt with the changing times.
At Prince William School we are working with SEMLEP, which is in turn advised by the Careers and Enterprise Company. Through networking meetings and guidance from advisors we are working to ensure, in line with the Gatsby Benchmarks, that our students will:
- Gain advice on different pathways post 16 and beyond
- Be advised as to how the curriculum links with different careers
- Learn from career and labour market information
- Have meaningful encounters with further and higher education as well as employers and employees
- Experience the workplace
- Receive independent and impartial careers guidance.
Each student is unique and therefore it is important that in delivering CEIAG we are meeting the needs of all of our students.
CEIAG at Prince William School
At Prince William School, CEIAG runs through tutor time, PSHE (Skills for Life) as well as all curriculum subjects. It also runs through our assemblies and super-curricular activities. We have a dedicated careers advisor so that our students receive independent and impartial careers advice at key times while they attend Prince William School.
During tutor time, students in years 7 through to 10 discuss current issues through our Vote Topic. Students are encouraged to explore issues of significance in the world today.
Through the Skills for Life programme, students in years 7 through to 11 have access to the online careers platform, unifrog – www.unifrog.org
Each year group follows a year plan that takes them through the different facets of unifrog throughout the year, building on the previous year.
Through this platform, students have access to information about different pathways and opportunities as they move through the school and as they prepare for their post 16 and post 18 choices. The platform gives information on application processes for all pathways post 16 and post 18 and students are able to record and log their journey as they move through the school.
This platform also offers students in years 9 and 11 receive guidance on options and pathways for KS4 and KS5. At KS3 this focuses on GCSE options. At KS4 this focuses on apprenticeships, various college routes, employment-based training as well as sixth form study.
At KS5 CEIAG focuses on apprenticeships, employment-based training and university study. Students in sixth form also have access to unifrog. In addition to this, they have access to www.mysupercurricular.co.uk .This resource allows students to explore super curricular resources.
Each curriculum subject delivers careers related learning:
- Year 7 – Why study?
- Year 9 – Key Stage 4 options
- Year 11 – Post 16 intentions
In addition to this, curriculum subjects will make links to careers related learning throughout the year.
Those students applying for Oxbridge, Medicine and Veterinary Medicine receive sessions on interview technique as well as mock interviews.
The Prince William School website has a link to the South East Midlands Local Enterprise Partnership (SEMLEP). This gives labour market information as well as monthly updates on apprenticeships for students and information for parents.
Working with South East Midlands Local Enterprise partnership (SEMLEP), we hope to bring in to school business leaders, further education and university representatives to present up to date information to all our students.
Students at Key Stages 4 and 5 receive independent and impartial careers advice and guidance from our careers advisor. We operate an open-door policy at break and lunchtimes so that students at Key Stage 3 can also seek advice and guidance.
At Prince William School our careers programme is inclusive and takes into account the needs of individual students, no matter their background or circumstance. Students with SEND will also have support from our careers advisor as part of their EHCP meetings.
We run super-curricular careers events for each year group. This means that between years 7-13 our students have at least six meaningful encounters with providers of technical education or apprenticeships:
Year group | £1 Challenge | Matching skills to careers | Careers fair | World of Work Day | Work experience | Interview skills | University visits |
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Our careers provision is monitored and evaluated using the following measures:
Intended Destinations data and September Guarantee data – reported back to the local authority – this evidences what our students intend to do after Year 11 and secured places at the start of the following academic year.
- Student destination figures post 18.
- Employer feedback.
- Student feedback post event evaluations.
- Self-evaluating tool – Compass supported by Careers and Enterprise Company, to show how our Careers Education aligns with the Gatsby benchmarks.
This information is reviewed at the end of each academic year.