Curriculum Overview

The curriculum at Prince William School focuses on the qualities and skills learners need in order to be successful in school and beyond in later life.

We wish our students to make a positive contribution within a modern British society. For this to be a reality the curriculum should help students to:

  • Develop lively, imaginative and enquiring minds
  • Acquire knowledge and skills relevant to adult life and a world of rapid and continuous technological change
  • Have sound numeracy and literacy skills
  • Develop personal and moral values, respect for shared values and for other cultures, religions and ways of life
  • Develop an understanding of the world in which they live and appreciate human achievements and aspirations and take their place in society as informed, confident and responsible citizens

The school currently follows a three-year Key Stage 3 model with students choosing their option subjects at the end of Year 9. This is then followed by a two-year Key Stage 4 and a two-year Key Stage 5 programme of study where students currently have a free option choice for their GCSE and A level courses. 

Curriculum planning takes account of the needs of all students; we monitor and evaluate the appropriateness of the curriculum each year to ensure that it is fit for purpose for all of our students. The review also considers national curriculum development, as required by the Government. We offer a wide range of courses that are best matched to the needs of our students. Students will be offered courses that the school considers will be valuable to students’ future career plans.,

Choice and flexibility of courses is an important element in the design of the curriculum; it is reviewed annually so as to provide the most appropriate offer for every student’s needs. Where appropriate a student’s best interests may be served by offering alternative provision, either in terms of personalising the student’s curriculum within the school or by using external providers to offer educational opportunities where necessary.

Prince William School’s extra-curricular activities enrich further a student’s experience and we actively encourage all students to participate in a wide range of opportunities that the school offers throughout the year.

Please use the Contact Us page to submit your query of you would like to find out more about our curriculum.

EMAT’s Teaching and Learning Framework

The curriculum is the totality of our pupils’ experiences of education. Our curriculum is broad, balanced, rich and varied. We provide pupils with high-quality education and experiences so that they are ready for each next stage in their education and are prepared for their lives in modern Britain.

This framework sets out the key principles and theoretical perspectives that inform our curricular thinking across all our schools. It sets out what we believe are important features of the most effective teaching, learning and assessment practices, informed by reliable research. It gives us a ‘shared language’ with which we review, refine and improve our pupils’ educational experiences.

The principles contained within it are not a ‘checklist’, but a conceptual framework that underpins our work to ensure our pupils’ successful learning.

Get in Touch

To get in touch with Prince William School please click on the link below, or call us on 01832 272881

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