Parents and Friends Association

A warm welcome to our school community from the Parents and Friends Association.

The school's fundraising arm is an active and involved group of parents, who work closely with staff and students to ensure funds raised are spent to give maximum impact and benefit to our school community.

We meet around 6 times a year, plus hold several fundraisers throughout the year, and we welcome new members and willing helpers.

To find out about news & events, purchase event tickets, and to find out other ways in which you can support us, visit our website:-  

You can also support us by joining the PFA 100 Club. The joining fee is £12 for one year. Once you have paid your £12 you are allocated a number which is entered into 12 draws running from September through to August. For each £1 raised, 50p goes to Association funds, 25p goes to the 1st prize, 15p to the 2nd prize and 10p to the 3rd prize. Based on one hundred members, 1st prize would be £25, 2nd £15 and 3rd £10.

Click below to join:

PFA 100 club

Thank you

PFA Committee


Get in Touch

To get in touch with Prince William School please click on the link below, or call us on 01832 272881

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