
Examination Enquiries

For any examination enquiries please email the Examination's Officer on joanne.gallagher@pws.emat.uk.

Exam Boards

A list of all qualifications, exam boards and specifications is available to download from the bottom of this page.  Please see the ‘List of Examination Specifications’ for more information.

Exam Contingency Days

The awarding bodies have designated Wednesday 26 June 2024 as the ‘contingency day’ for examinations. The afternoons of Thursday 6 June and Thursday 13 June 2024 have been designated as ‘contingency afternoons’ for examinations. This is consistent with the qualification regulators’ document Exam system contingency plan: England, Wales and Northern Ireland Exam system contingency plan: England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

The designation of ‘contingency days’ within the common examination timetable have been put in place in the event of national or significant local disruption to examinations in the United Kingdom. It is part of the awarding bodies’ standard contingency planning for examinations. 

Therefore, all students sitting public exams in Summer 2024 must remain available up to and including Wednesday 26 June 2024 should an awarding body need to invoke its contingency plan.  This is not a school decision, and applies to candidates in all schools, colleges and exam centres nationally.

Exam Information

This page will contain information throughout the year relating to public examinations (GCSE and A Levels), and in-school examinations (mock exams).  

Examination timetables are published here ahead of examination periods. 

Information Documents for Candidates

For students following GCSE, A Level and other publicly examined courses, the following documents should be read and understood by the student in advance of any examinations: 


Non-examination assessments

On-screen tests

Written exams

Preparing to sit exams

Privacy Notice

Social media 

Exam Information and Rules for Students

GCSE Exams have changed to 9 – 1 grades. For further information, click here.

A copy of our “Internal Appeals Procedure” concerning assessment of work can be found at the bottom of this page.  

Public Exam Dates

09 May – 25 June 2024

Provisional exam timetables:

Summer exam timetable 2024 by date

Summer exam timetable 2024 by subject

Mock Exams

Mock exams are a useful tool for students, teachers and parents to measure how well students are progressing in their studies. It allows students an opportunity to work under exam-like conditions and to test how well their revision strategies are working.

For schools it is a useful indication of how likely a student is to achieve a certain grade in the 'real' exams and therefore a benchmark on whether to appeal a set of results in the summer. For Year 12 and Year 13 students wishing to apply to university mock exams will determine UCAS grades.

Therefore students are expected to revise for the mock exams and undertake mock exams in exam-like conditions.

Information for students and parents on examinations, results days and post-results can be found at the bottom of this page.

Supportive Web Links

Get Revising

Stress Busting

Coping with exam pressure

GCSE survival guide

Mock Exam Dates 2024/25
Year 13

13 to 29 Jan 2025

Results: Given out by teachers in lesson time
Year 12

Internal Assessments: 23 April to 02 May 2025

Results: Given out by teachers in lesson time

Year 11

Mocks 1:  21 Oct to 13 Nov 2024

Mock Results Day: 10 Dec 2024


Mocks 2:  30 Jan to 14 Feb 2025

Results: Given out by teachers in lesson time

Year 10

Internal Assessments: 23 to 27 June 2025 

Results: Given out by teachers in lesson time

Due to the nature of this academic year, dates for mock exams may need to change, therefore should be considered as provisional.

Please note:

  1. An exam timetable will be published prior to each year mock exam so that students have sufficient time to revise
  2. The start and end date may be extended to allow for practical exams to take place
Results Day 2024

A Level / AS Level / BTEC Level 3 Nationals / Additional Maths (FSMQ) / WJEC Level 3 Applied / Level 3 Certificate:  

Thursday 15 August 2024

GCSE / Cambridge National / Level 1 & 2 BTEC / NCFE Level 1 & 2 Tech Award

Thursday 22 August 2024

Post Results

Following the publication of results for each examination series, the exam boards offer a range of post-results services relating to reviews of marking and access to examination scripts.

Services include:

Service Type What happens?
1 Clerical check The adding up of marks is checked.
2 Review of marking The exam paper is checked to make sure it was marked correctly according to the mark scheme. Marks are changed if the new examiner feels there has been a clear marking error. This can take up to 20 calendar days.
3 Access to script (original) You get our original exam paper back, but cannot ask for a review of marking afterwards.
4 Priority review of marking

The exam paper is checked in a shorter timeframe to make sure it was marked correctly according to the mark scheme. Marks are changed if the new examiner feels there has been a clear marking error. This can take up to 15 calendar days.

5 Priority Access to Script (copy) You get a copy of your exam paper back quickly so you can decide whether to apply for a review of marking. This can take up to 15 calendar days.

If you are unhappy with your results:

Please consult your subject teacher/head of department in the first instance, and also take a look at the grade boundaries for your subject and post results information (available on the exam board websites). If you wish to undertake a review of marking, please complete the form included in your results envelope and return it to school. Copies of the forms are located in the downloads section at the bottom of this page. The forms detail the charges and deadlines for application. There is a form for AS/A Level/Level 3, and a separate form for GCSE / BTEC L1 & L2.

For a guide to the post-results process, please see the JCQ Post Results Services Infographic below.

Get in Touch

To get in touch with Prince William School please click on the link below, or call us on 01832 272881

Contact Us