Introduction and admissions
Post-16 Education at Prince William School
See our sxith form prospectus for 2024/25 below.

Prince William School is an 11-18 mixed comprehensive school which serves the rural area in and around Oundle. We offer a broad range of A level and BTEC courses which are complimented by a Skills for Life programme which supports students to develop the skills they need to be successful during their time in the sixth form and prepares them for their adult lives. There is also a wide variety of extra-curricular and super-curricular opportunities which allow all students to balance their studies with enjoyable activities which develop interests and talents.
The vision for Prince William Sixth Form is to raise the aspirations of young adults by nurturing a passion for learning, enriching the student experience, and securing outcomes which exceed their expectations. The aim is to make Prince William Sixth Form the sixth form of choice for not only our local community but also for the extended community.
We want to create confident, resilient, and well-rounded adults who have an aspiration for self-improvement and are able to compete equally with their peers in a world beyond the sixth form. We know all our students well in terms of academic ability, and emotional capacity. We treat our students as individuals and the programme of study they follow are individualised to meet their evolving needs.

Sixth Form Admissions
At Prince William School Sixth Form we consider every application on its merits. We aim to offer every student in our sixth form a high quality and broad experience which will prepare them well for life beyond the sixth form.
Applying for a place at Prince William School’s Sixth Form
Admissions for September 2025 are now closed. Please email if you are interested in joining our sixth form.
You can see more about our programmes on offer here.
General Entry requirements
All students must attain five or more grade 5s (or equivalent) at Key Stage 4 in order to attend the Sixth Form.
All students will also need to have attained at least a grade 4 in both English (Language or Literature) and Maths.
Some subjects (Biology, Chemistry, Maths, Physics, English Literature) require students to have attained at least a grade 6 in their subject at Key Stage 4. Please see the Courses and Qualifications section of the website for more information.
Students may take additional qualifications (e.g the Extended Project Qualification) but all students must follow a minimum number of three subjects.
Offers of places
We aim to inform all applicants, both internal and external of the outcome of their application by the end of March 2025. Offers of places will be conditional on students gaining the necessary grades for the courses they have selected.
Offer Holders Day
Students who have been offered a conditional place in the sixth form will be invited to an Offer Holders Day on Tuesday 1st July 2025. This will give potential students the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the sixth form facilities, take part in some subject taster lessons and enjoy a sixth form social event at the end of the day.
Both internal and external students who have achieved the required grades for their conditional offer and want to take up their place in the sixth form must complete their enrolment either on KS4 results day (Thursday 21st August 202) or by 12pm the following day (Friday 22nd August 2025). This can be done in person or by emailing External candidates must also hand in or email a copy of their results when accepting their place.
Places not accepted by the deadline of 12pm on Friday 22nd August 2025 will automatically be offered to applicants on the waiting list.