Local Advisory Board
What is a Local Advisory Board (LAB)?
The Prince William School Local Advisory Board is the local tier of governance of East Midlands Academy Trust, and it acts as a sub-committee to the Trust Board. Members of the Local Advisory Board as known as Governors.
The key roles of the LAB are:
- To offer proactive support and constructive challenge to the Headteacher
- To advise the board of trustees about local issues they need to consider that affect the academy.
- To ensure that EMAT vision, mission and values are evident throughout the Academy
- Represent the local community.
- Represent the Academy in its community.
These roles translate specifically into the following tasks:
- ensure that all children receive the best possible education
- ensure safeguarding is effective
- support the Headteacher and Senior Leadership Team in the development and implementation of the School Development Plan and other relevant plans,
- ensure the implementation of Academy policies.
- regularly review the Academy’s performance.
- oversee and monitor the effectiveness of local strategies
- act as a key link between the Academy, parents, and local community.
- support the work of the Academy in the community.
The LAB’s role is not to manage the Academy as such. This is done through the Board of Trustees. Therefore, the LAB is not required to take decisions on staff or financial matters affecting the Academy.
Governors at the LAB will gain an understanding of strategic issues that impact on the Academy and will be updated on them regularly by the Headteacher, but they are not required to have direct responsibility for them. Instead the LAB should be in a position to assess the impact of the Academy locally; how it is contributing to the local community, how it is relating to local families and how it understands local issues. This in turn, will enable the LAB to contribute effectively to decisions which may require LAB involvement.
The LAB is drawn from the staff of the school, parents and the wider community that the school serves. The usual term of office for a governor is four years but many members of the LAB stand for re-election and serve more than one term. Members of a LAB need to take a full and active role in fulfilling the role assigned to them by the Board. This will include regular visits to the Academy and attending up to six meetings per year.
To contact any of our governors, please email governance@emat.uk
For details about EMAT'S trustees and members, click here.
Name |
Position |
Anna Hewes |
Headteacher |
Richard Fincher (Chair) |
Co-opted governor |
Emma Tansley |
Co-opted governor |
Alan Measures |
Co-opted governor |
Jo Giddings |
Staff governor |
Clare Oliver |
Co-opted governor |
Kealey Burbidge |
Co-opted governor |
Justin Mumford |
Parent Governor |