The #EMATOlympics took place throughout June involving pupils from all seven schools that make up the East Midlands Academy Trust.
The event included
- Seven Fun Runs
- Our first Ability Games
- Year 1 and 2 Participation Festival
- Year 3/4 Competitive Event
- Year 5/6 Competitive Event
- Year 7/8/9 Competitive Event
As part of this year's event we also trained around ten students from Prince Wililam School and Northampton International Academy in media presenting skills, so they were able to report on events during the live stream on 30th June. Plus teacher Andy Russell from Northampton International Academy also created the trust's on Olympic torch.
This event was our third whole trust sporting event, we started back in 2018 with our festival of sport for primary pupils and have grown it each time with the development and involvement of the GB Olympians.
This year’s event was by far the largest in terms of the numbers of pupils participating, the age range of pupils involved and being inclusive. Events were hosted at five of the seven EMAT schools, plus every school hosted its own fun run, providing many memorable moments for our pupils.