Students at Prince William School in Oundle have seen their hard work rewarded as they received their KS4 results today.
A total of 75% of students attained grade 4 or above in both English and Maths, while 54% of students attained grade 5 or above in both English and Maths.
PWS GCSE results 2020
Among the school’s highest achievers are:
Florrie Loseby - 9 grade 9s
Phoebe Stimpson – 9 grade 9s and a grade 8
Isabelle Tyler – 8 grade 9s and 2 grade 8s
Bethany Dodman – 7 grade 9s and 3 grade 8s
Rosie Leuchars – 5 grade 9s and 4 grade 8s
Year 11 students have seen their final year of GCSE study disrupted due to Covid-19 and have not been in school full-time since March, but were able to return to school today to collect their results.
Headteacher Elizabeth Dormor said: “I have huge admiration for our Year 11 students who have had an incredibly difficult end to their KS4 studies.
“They should be very proud of the results they’ve received today, which reflect their hard work during Year 10 and 11, and I would like to thank all our fantastic staff for their hard work and the support they have given our students.
“I wish all our students the very best of luck in their next steps, whether they are continuing their studies with us in the sixth form or choosing another learning or vocational path.”
There are still Year 12 places available at Prince William School for September. To find out more, visit the website www.pws.emat.uk or call the school on 01832 272881.